
Nasty Android Malware Is very fast Targeting Certain Devices

android ]malware attacks
android ]malware attacks

You can take several steps to avoid getting malware into your infected device, but what if your phone came with a virus pre-installed? As strange as that sounds, it’s not as farfetched as you might believe, as law enforcement has noticed increased products with the BadBox virus installed on them.

BadBox Malware Is Making Its Way Onto Third-Party Devices

The German Federal Office of Information Security reported that numerous IoT and Android devices were sold with BadBox pre-installed. These devices frequently shipped with older versions of Android, allowing malicious actors to exploit known issues in the operating system during the manufacturing process.

Because the virus was inserted during the device’s manufacturing, BadBox is deeply embedded in the system’s files and cannot be removed conventionally. So what does BadBox do? It turns out, it can accomplish an alarmingly huge number of things:

“BadBox is capable of creating accounts for email and messaging services without being detected, which can subsequently be used to propagate false information. BadBox can also commit ad fraud by browsing websites in the background. The malware can also be used as a home proxy service. It makes the user’s internet connection to unknown third parties, who might subsequently utilise it for criminal actions such as cyber-attacks or the spread of unlawful information. This can link the affected person’s IP address to criminal activity. BadBox can also download more viruses.

According to the Federal Office of Information Security, the ISP should contact and notify consumers who have acquired infected IoT botnet devices. As a consumer, you must spend the extra money to verify that your items come from reputable and well-known manufacturers. Choosing lesser-known alternatives may be less expensive, but it also allows malware authors to get a grip on your device long before you purchase it.

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